With this Life Skills for Confidence online course Teens & Tweens learn more about themselves

With emphasis on understanding how to make better choices to increase their confidence, self-esteem, and success.

Our lessons teach Life Skills that show them how to embrace their unique personality and run the course with personal goals, to become the person they envision.

Your teens will feel and behave better and gain a greater understanding about WHY they want to be a young lady and a young gentleman embracing our society in a positive manner.

These Concrete Personal Development lessons and Interactive Activities help them learn:

  • Why choices determine their success in life
  • Why they should choose self-control
  • Steps to communicate successfully
  • How to visualize and think positively
  • How to meet & greet others and engage in a conversation
  • Learn the list of manners & etiquette
  •  Why they want to become a reasonable and “naturally fun” young adult


With Life Skills for Confidence Key Elements,
your Teen or Tween will gain these skills:

  1. BUILD CONFIDENCE so that they feel good about themselves and stay tuned in instead of withdrawing. Learn the importance of experience gained from practicing by engaging with others.
  1. SELF-LOVE & sense of purpose for themselves discovering their awesome individual qualities which build self-esteem and empower them to own their uniqueness and, focus on their future.
  1. HEALTHY LIVING because proper nutrition & fitness activity choices are key to having a healthy life. When you’re well & have healthy relationships, life is more meaningful. 
  1. SOCIAL SKILLS so they can interact easily, confidently, and with proper etiquette in important social settings without feeling awkward or insecure.
  1. COMMUNICATION since success is built through effectively giving factual information, listening actively, and speaking their mind kindly- but assertively.
  1. COPING SKILLS by discovering what’s causing the stress and choosing healthy strategies to manage it. Learn to recognize feelings and thoughts to get a positive vision of their direction and outcome.

Are you upset with your Teen or Tween?

School work, screen time, curfews, social life, chores…

Do your expectations become heated arguments?

Is the tension taking its toll on everyone?

Photo by malte on Unsplash

Rebuild the happiness
that once lit up their face

And don’t worry – your Teen or Tween’s behavior is not a reflection of your parenting skills..

With the right empowering support and Life Skills, your Teen or Tween can regain that openness and respect.

  • Rebuild the trust
  • Rebuild the connection
  • Rebuild the responsiveness
  • Rediscover the motivation to engage, and interact
  • Rediscover the happiness that once lit up their face!
Life Skills for Confidence

Seem impossible?

Are you thinking this might work for others, but not your kid?

We’ve been empowering Teens and Tweens with Life Skills since 2015, and because of our unique, relatable approach, the transformation is always confidence, connection, and self-love.

Life Skills are the Greatest Gift you can give your child!

Grades are important, but Life Skills equal Life Success now and as an adult.

Dawn Oliphant is a parent of Teen boys, as well as a powerhouse, community figure. But Dawn was doubtful… “my boys will never watch the lessons.“

Fast forward and here we are with both Teen boys completing the course and Dawn seeing this as her Teen “success story”.

Each of her boys went from giving short answers to questions, looking down, fidgeting, and rarely making eye contact to now carrying on conversations and engaging with others. “We are all so much happier! Wow, what a difference it’s made working with Addie!”

I hear it over and over:
  • My kid is so lazy – refusing to do simple tasks like pick up dirty clothes!

  • Every day includes either an argument or shutting down!

  • I’m worried my Teen/Tween is making bad choices, but I don’t seem to have any control!

  • It feels like a losing battle, but I don’t want to give up!


My child lashes out at me – we’ve lost the connection we used to have!

And from Teens and Tweens, I hear this over and over:
  •  Nobody listens to me!

  • I hate being treated like a little kid!

  • I’m so stressed out about school – actually about everything!

  • I hate the way I look

  • I feel awkward – it’s so hard to make friends
Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Here’s why these behaviors and feelings are happening: 

“When you get to the core of what’s driving those negative behaviors and attitudes, you’ll find someone who’s afraid and unsure of themself.  Teens and Tweens lash out and shut down because they’re unsure of who they feel they need to be without knowing who they really are, and they’re afraid of what’s ahead.

When your Teen or Tween gets connected to their unique qualities and learns how to value and trust themselves, plus learns how to communicate effectively in spite of their emotions, their life will become fulfilling and meaningful.

With the right support and Life Skills, your Teen or Tween can feel empowered by who they are and gain the confidence needed to open up, trust themselves, feel connected and achieve their full potential.

Yes, that means your child is now a responsive and respectful young adult who is back to feeling connected to you!”

“Hi, I’m Addie Rausch,
Teen Coach Practitioner
& Course Producer!"

It’s not easy being a parent to a Teen or Tween!  Everyone says it’s not easy being a Teen or Tween – which is true, but let’s not forget about all the stress and hardships you’re enduring!

The frequent battles, disagreements, broken promises, withdrawal and disrespect all link to your child not feeling enough self-love and self-confidence.  

Addie Rausch, Teen Empowerment Trainer and Course Producer


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Who’s behind this Teen and Tween
Empowerment Movement?

Life Skills for Confidence is an organization led by a mother-daughter team: Claudia Mead McBride and Addie Rausch. 

Their daily passion is to empower youth by giving them the critical life skills necessary to be happy, successful, and responsible people now and as they become adults.

Claudia proved over and over that success in life comes down to these 5 key elements:

Hi I’m Addie Rausch – Teen Mentor and  Empowerment Coach!

For both my mom Claudia and myself, life has been the proving ground that solid communication skills, healthy living, social and coping skills plus a sense of purpose and self-love, are the key elements of confidence and success.

Claudia’s journey through life was driven by determination – the determination to create a better life for herself, despite any odds that came her way.  She proved over and over that effective communication, social skills, coping skills, a clear sense of purpose with self-love with a sense of purpose, healthy living, communication, social skills and coping skillsNaturally, Confidence follows!!


Even though Claudia grew up in a poor home, she was the first in her family to go to college, regardless of zero money.  As a teen, Claudia felt college was the answer to getting out of poverty.  So she got a job and diligently worked – putting herself through college. 

Her life unfolded and success followed, but not without challenges. For Claudia, life presented an array of blessings and challenges from managing college while working full time, to having a career while also becoming a parent, to being a single parent with the responsibility of raising 3 kids.  

But she proved to herself and others over and over that success always came down to 5 key elements: effective communication skills, effective social skills and coping skills, healthy living and  a clear sense of purpose and self-love – all of which results in self-confidence.  And sharing these tenets with her kids, grand kids and now youth across the globe has been her mission.

In fact, I became so inspired by my mom’s wisdom after experiencing the real-life results first-hand, that even though I had started a successful career in  IT, I took a mission-driven leap of faith, joined forces with my mom, and together, since 2015, we have been empowering Teens and Tweens with those important life skills so youth can feel happier, more connected and empowered.

Even though most Teens and Tweens are superstars at accessing any information they’re curious about, their communication skills, social skills, sense of purpose and self-love are frequently lacking, – which means confidence is missing!  And when confidence is lacking, stress, resistance, fears and depression show up.

And unfortunately, the values parents are trying to teach their kids are frequently ignored.  But Claudia has always been a firm believer that parents’ values need to be honored.

So, through mentorship, online courses, teen social hours and a variety of empowering resources, Claudia and I are fueled by the differences we see every day in the Teens and Tweens we have the privilege to work with.

For my mom Claudia and myself, there’s nothing more fulfilling than seeing a withdrawn, overwhelmed or agitated Teen or Tween transform into a confident, happy, empowered youth who’s on a mission to make a difference for themself, and for others!

And I have no doubt that together we can empower your Teen or Tween to achieve this life transformation, too!

Claudia Mead McBride, Life Skills Author & Founder and Addie Rausch, Teen Empowerment Trainer & Course Producer

Join the Revolution! 

Be that Mom or Dad who
takes a stand for their child!

Provide the missing link that gives your Teen or Tween the confidence and clarity that’s missing;

  • Rebuild the trust in you
  • Rebuild the connection with you
  • Rebuild the responsiveness to you
  • Rediscover the motivation to engage, interact and do
  • Rediscover the happiness that once lit up their face!
  • With social skills to succeed
  • With changing stressful behaviors
  • To natural energy being more productive
  • To gain more self awareness & understanding
  • To recognize & replace negative self talk & negative thinking

Life Skills for Confidence Teen and Tween Empowerment

For parents who want to regain the relationship, connection and trust!​

When a Teen or Tween has these, they become happy, confident and successful now and as they become independent adults.


“There’s more to success than getting good grades!”


Empower your child with the life skills
needed to succeed now and as an adult

I invite you to follow us on your favorite social media platform:

About Us

Our mission is to empower Teens and Tweens with new skills and self-awareness which increases their confidence and self-esteem, helping them understand choices that best support their health and success in life.

©2021 Lifeskills for Confidence All rights reserved.