Does Nature have Relationships with Personalities?


Have you ever hugged a tree, kissed a special rock, or rolled on a grassy hill? My children thought that was normal behavior! Ha

Today let’ talk about the Elements, Fire, Earth, Air, and Water and how they identify our Personality Types. 

In sales, you’re taught to copy the Personality Style of your customer. So, if they’re enthusiastic and have high energy, you do the same. If they’re relaxed and laid back, you copy that mannerism and remain casual, relaxed, yet still focusing on directing the conversation in the way you want, so you get information, and you give them information. 

In your environment do you recognize certain Personality Types? What types of personalities do you see? Were you the class “funny one” in school? Did you join in, or disapprove of that type of behavior? Are you more casual, or are you more cautious? Perhaps cautious of the “class clown”. Ha! Some of you may be the “daydreamer”, envisioning your future, whether it’s tomorrow or 10 years from now. 

Most likely you’ve done some research and know more about the personality types around you. There are lots of theories on “Goggle” with tests and systems for evaluation. So, here’s another theory to use. I believe the ancient science of Astrology gives us a vision of Nature, and the qualities of nature, by categorizing the Astrology signs with these 4 elements. Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. Astrology has been popular and has been considered as an ancient “science” of old. 

I don’t believe your Daily Astrology comments are truthful. I also don’t believe Astrology is “black magic”, or something trying to control you. The famous research scientist, psychiatrist, and psychoanalyst, Carl G Jung said “We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the Year and of the Season in which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more.” 

So, let’s take a look and see how Astrology connects Personalities with Nature. 

Combining Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, the 3 astrological Fire signs, they are Adventurous, optimistic, fun-loving, and Confident. They often blaze the trail ahead as true leaders, with intuition, generosity, and open-mindedness. They are also impulsive, egotistic, and bossy, making them behave carelessly at times. 

But on a whole, they are all intelligent people with a good sense of humor. The traits of Fire are enormous! It is pure energy, light, and spirit, powerful to warm us, and also capable of considerable destruction. Fire is needed for our survival. 

Combining Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, the 3 astrological Earth signs are trustworthy, helpful, and prefer being “secure in life”, though they tend to overthink things and are often overcritical, as they are purists, prudent, and practical. 

The Earth is warm, fertile, grounded, peaceful, and is slowly renewable, giving us all a stable structure to live on. It’s also powerful and destructive in nature. Perseverance and tolerance are great qualities of the Earth sign people making them intelligent and good decision-makers. Their Detriments include possessiveness, selfishness, and rigidness. 

Combining Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, the 3 astrological Air signs, they are versatile, quick-witted, and spontaneous. They are great at communication, are romantic, balanced, and calm in nature. Air is essential to living things and needed by all the elements! Air is invisible, yet very powerful. It spreads seeds that procreate, delivers water, and brings us the energy of the Sun. 

Since Air sign people are independent thinkers with great originality in thought and action, they may have difficulty expressing themselves, or may appear indifferent and less emotional. In addition, they are often influenced by the views of others. They are intelligent and love life but may be indecisive. 

Combining Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, the 3 astrological Water signs, they are passionate and magnetic. They are forceful in their opinions and have clarity of thought and expression. 

They are known for their loving and caring nature, being cautious in actions, and protective toward their loved ones. They can be overly emotional and tenacious, imaginative, and artistic making them subject to varying moods. They are good human beings, clever, courageous, kind, helpful, and great caregivers! Their detriments include being obsessive, resentful, jealous and are often easily influenced. 

Water is changeable, not easy to grab hold of or control. It’s nurturing and alluring, calming and beautiful, yet dangerous. Water is also essential for life. 

Spend time and identify the complexity of Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. Let’s not take these elements for grant it. See how they interact with one another! See all the different ways they are an invisible influence in your life. Learn more about your personality and show respect and appreciation for your life, by recognizing these amazing essential elements! 

Now if we investigate the planets in our solar system, we’ll find astrology teaches us about the qualities of the Sun and Moon. The Sun is Masculine. It has power and demands that “If you do as I say, I’ll reward you. If you Don’t, I’ll punish you.” 

This is in stark contrast to the qualities of the Moon, which are Feminine, and confess that it is All-Encompassing, All-Forgiving, All Understanding, and All-Loving. So, we have the traits of each, masculine and feminine personalities, at play and we use them both in our daily decision making and personal choices. 

You also have the influence of Mercury, Venus, and Mars, which are the closest planets to the sun along with the Earth, and they also play a part in your personality. Which sign do you have in each of these close-in planets? 

They personally influence you in your Communication, Love and luxury, and Aggression and war. Astrology teaches that the blend of all these elements along with the astrological signs, before and after your personal Sun sign, gives you a complex and interesting personality. 

This old science has systems and cycles we can learn from. What is your Personality Type? Since you are a blend of many traits, this gives you the freedom to change! Imagine that! You take this information, and choose how you want to be different and then improve your personality. 

Choose, and develop the positive things you truly desire and admire. Learn your detriments so you can quickly recognize them and reduce their influence by supervising them. See your attributes, and help those strengths become stronger! 

We all have the potential to be true leaders, caring for others, and being people who have common sense in our personal choices. So use this opportunity about knowing more about your Personality type, to move forward, and plan on enjoying each stage of your life! Begin doing so now!! 

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