Do you believe it’s Possible to Manage Stress?


Are you doing a good job of managing stress in your life? Here’s an interesting and down to earth discussion about Stress Management because everyone needs it! Right!?! 

Let us begin by saying your overall goal is to achieve an Inner Calm and maintain it … no matter what. 

You are a secure person who has the essentials. You know yourself, and know your attributes and drawbacks so, you can say you have your feet “firmly planted” in life. Is that correct? If so then, why does Stress come into the picture? 

Everyday living brings obstacles, difficulties, and complications. True. So yes, you see how easy it is for everyone to experience Stress. However, the question is, HOW DO YOU DEAL WITH IT? 

Stress has a certain feel. Can you identify it when you’re feeling stressed? Perhaps it’s confusion or anxiety. More pressure and even physical pain like a stomach ache or headache. OK. Well, let’s take the next couple of minutes and relax. Relax your shoulders and neck. Take a few deep breathes and slow down. RELAX! Focus on this one thing so we can meet Stress, and face this enemy, “Head On”! 

Do deep breathing and look for the movement of your own energy, moving through your body. All these parts of your body, seamlessly working Together! Filling you with renewed Life! See what thoughts and feelings you have about your amazing system! This system is Your own personal property! 

So now that you have taken charge and calmed yourself, you can see that you are breathing slower, and more fully. Continue to relax your body and your mind. Begin to stop your Random Thoughts that catch your attention. Give your mind permission to stop for a while. That way you learn to stop the talk in your head, upon command! This takes practice, so let’s practice together. 

Calm yourself and stop your thoughts, for a while. When a thought pops up tell it StopTell it No, Go away, and it will!! It will dissolve. Trust me! Breath and RELAX. Keep doing that for a while so you can practice controlling your thoughts. Soon you’ll see it is calming your mind. 

Try this now and then later, practice it regularly. You are in control of keeping your mind calm and relaxed. You can choose to not be affected by other stuff going on around you. You can maintain this state of Peace inside, knowing yourself and appreciating this as a Positive thing. 

Did you calm yourself and think positively … knowing that stress and worry are useless and have no power to help you? When you’re stressed out, it’s a good time for you to visualize a peaceful place. Where is your favorite spot? In nature? By the ocean side or along a small creek, or in the forest? 

Visualize your “peaceful place” in every detail. The sounds you hear, and the smell of the air. Watching the movement of the water or trees. Is it warm outside, with a cool breeze? Take another deep breath. Relax, and be quiet while you enjoy being in your “peaceful place”. This “peaceful place” is available to you anytime you want to go there! So, go there regularly and relax. Enjoy its’ beauty and peace. 

See how this has made you feel refreshed! Continue to let your body be free of tension and anxiety a while longer; let it be AT EASE. To be “at ease” is to prevent Dis-ease. Bring your thoughts to your breathing. Be at peace with the quiet. Let yourself see how you can be truly relaxed. 

Actually, your body is capable of doing Incredible Things! and you might need it to do incredible things! So, guess what! The better you take care of your body, the easier it will be, for it to take care of you! 

It needs you and you also need it, which makes you very lucky! Because, as you might realize, your body has a far greater value and capacity than anything you’ll ever own! Should I repeat that? Your body has a greater value and capacity than anything you will ever own!! 

It can help you do greater things than you even realize! Its’ continuously healing you and helping you and you don’t even realize it’s doing what you need! People can’t get a new body if they need one!! People lose a Great Value by not taking care of theirs. 

In addition, your Bodies only desire is to please you!! Its only desire is to give you whatever you want, no matter what it is, or how hard it is, or how long it takes! 

What is the biggest detriment to good health? 

Stress! Right! Did you know too much Stress makes your body sick? If you know you worry a lot, then it’s time to start using relaxation methods, like these. Do this regularly. Give yourself a well-deserved mental break, so you can release the things that have you stressed out. 

So, let’s say you’ve got a good flow of energy and you have been able to make your “pop-up thoughts” stop, for a while. Are you ready to examine how you’re feeling now? Usually, the first thoughts that come into your mind indicate how you’re feeling! This is often a good indicator of what’s really going on. 

Identify those thoughts and your feelings individually. Are they connected to something that’s happening? You may feel many different things. Hopefully, much of it is relaxed and joyful. So call upon your feelings. Say “What am I feeling now?” See what those feelings are, and identify what they are connected to. 

You don’t have to “buy into them” or believe them. It’s okay to simply identify them. Be gentle to yourself though, as you work through this. Understand, you may have negative feelings, however, don’t act on them. Simply be aware, observe, identify, and supervise them. 

Negative or Yin expresses through thoughts, Positive or Yang, expresses through actions. If actions are the outcome of your thoughts then you definitely want to guard what you’re thinking, and stressing out about. 

Understand your personal feelings and thoughts, and express your thoughts through actions. This is key to finding your personal balance. The mind is incredible, isn’t it! It gives personalized guidance that you can use in order to better understand yourself. It helps you monitor your actions, and process and control your feelings. 

However, let go of Controlling all the time! It cuts off the part of yourself that communicates with your inner knowing. You may have a strong feeling or impression so see what that impression is. Your intuitions can help you become wiser about yourself and your surroundings. 

One more thing that’s a very big deal! And a very big problem right now. It’s Over Stimulation. There are so many things in this world competing for your attention! Our society has created many distractions to keep us away from the real world. Multiple activities, electronics, advertisements. Others, that you live with, are also distractions. 

Are you bouncing around in your mind? Trying to do too many things at once which is making you stressed out?! Control the chatter in your mind! Learn to recognize how you feel and behave, when you’re Over Stimulated

Too much stimulation can make you behave erratically, irrationally, and overly emotional. You may feel confused and you may find yourself drawn in several different directions. This is not uncommon but it’s frustrating, so learn to recognize over stimulation quickly, and protect yourself! 

Draw back for a while. Take time out and set your priorities. Begin to reduce the activities and distractions! Walk away or shut things off! Stop! Your body will obey you! If too many distractions are making you feel overwhelmed, remember that your health is a high priority! 

Stimulation requires resting afterward. You need an equal time of being active and being restful. Make sure you have your restful time! Walk away from overstimulation and let this passive time help you reflect on the things you’ve just experienced, or what you see in your head. When you rest, you can identify your hunches, your personal feelings, and most importantly, you can Recreate your “Inner Calm.” 

It’s your job to find the balance of energy within yourself, the Calm. You are becoming smarter now and it’s your job to keep the balance of Calm and Peace within yourself. You deserve it!! Don’t let others take it from you!! It’s your Calm. Keep seeking it and coming back to it. Don’t let circumstances or others steal your joy or peace of mind. Remind yourself that things are OK because honestly, they really are getting better! 

The average adversities in your life are not new to you. Many of us have a personal walk with God and turn to Him for peace and enlightenment. I find that when I don’t know what to do about difficulties, I thank the Lord for taking on the problem and solution, and then I trust in Him for the best outcome, and also for peace within myself, about the difficulty. 

Difficulties set a pattern and you choose what to do with each occurrence individually. So to begin with, look for a pattern. Try to see the cycle of stress and tension building. That is often followed by a Crisis. The blow-up or Crisis is what you don’t want! 

Maintain the Honeymoon part of the cycle by keeping your goal of being calm. The relaxation exercises will help you maintain peace and defuse the crisis! Then others can’t mess with you, and your even, balanced level of “Intentional Calm Within”. 

Spending time outdoors is critical for you to become grounded. Being grounded connects you with the vastness of your own existence. So, get outside regularly. Go outside for a few minutes every morning when you get up, and every evening before you go to bed and connect with the energy nature has to give you. You will become filled with Real Energy, not Fake activity. 

Begin to trust that only good outcomes will come to you. You can’t run from stress but you can work through it. Worrying is useless! It has no power to help. Stress makes your body sick as it reacts to your concerns. So, think about it, are you contributing to your poor health! Possibly! Keep your stress under control. 

You’re the only one who can do this. Take the energy that stress is creating and transform it into something more Positive. Is it really your problem? You can’t fix everything for everyone. If it is your problem, can you detach from it and give it less power? Or if you can’t detach, and deny it attention, can you stand up to it and speak assertively about a positive solution? How can you transform it in a positive way? 

Stress is the enemy! It kills people every day. Take that seriously and learn about it. 

Command your mind to stop worrying and go find something to do that is relaxing and fun. Enjoy everyday living. Enjoy where you are, as well as where you’re possibly going. Live in the “present time”. Not the future or past. 

Stop and take the time to give thanks! Then when you know that you’re in control, move forward because every day and in every way, you’re getting better and better! Write things like that on paper and read them. Any POSITIVE suggestion works! I have the strength to cope with any situation which now exists or might arise! I am completely relaxed at all times and I am doing a good job! Yes, you are!! Yeah! Thank you!! 

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